Dark Side Anthropology: The art of financial culture hacking
- @suitpossum - Brett Scott
- Social science of finance
- ‘Objective’ social science, leaving political affiliations aside
- Implicitly endorses finances
- Activists launch campaigns, but they don’t know the financial system
- Misleading ideas that actually help the financial system
- Got a job in brokerage
- Breaking the boundaries between:
- Undercover
- Mainstream person
- Reformed person
- Activists vs. financial professionals
Subdisciplines and Constraints
- Immersive Anthropology
- Controversial: pushing to the pure participation side
- Activist Anthropology
- Leading Leftist, e.g. David Graeber
- Anarchist strand
- Upward Anthropology
- The problem is that it’s still anthropology
- Ethical criteria
- Investgonzo journalism
- Nellie Bly
Being with Activist Groups
- Knowledge
- Human dynamics & empathy
- Embracing uncertainty: the systems don’t have strict ways of working
- Dark side hybridization: spontaneous abhorrence -> should be overcome, being in and out of these systems out of moral horror (e.g. Blade)
Anarchy in the Academy
- Sandra Jeppesen
- The Presumed Gap
- activist non-researchers or non-activist researchers
- activists: practices
- academia: theories
- Assumptions and Transgressions
- All research is subjective and ideological
- University hierarchy can invisibly marginalize anarchist researchers
- Embodied experience of researcher-activist (of oppression, of activism) produces legitimate expertise as knowledge
How do we generate (more) anarchy in the academia?
- Media Action Research Group (MARG) Methodology
- Prefigurative Antiauthoritarian Feminist Participatory Action Research
- Radical media mixer with 90 participants
- Co-research projects with media activist partners
- The Media Co-op
- Mi’kmaq podcast
- anachy | prefiguration
- Portwood-Stacer
- antiauthoritarian practices countering structures and institutions of domination
- communicative logic of prefigurative politics in everyday life
- Portwood-Stacer
- anachy | power-sharing
- Ferrell
- freeing research from the suffocating authority of dominant method
- horizontal leadership
- transgressive methods
- Juris
- embodied experience
- Ferrell
- anachy | mutual-aid
- Gordon
- Kruzynski
- anachy | intersectionality
- Volcano & Rogue -
Challenges & Contraditions
- RA
- Conferences
- Who
- What
- Decision-making power
- Management
Characteristics of Direct Research | 3 Public Spheres
- Research engage in direct action social movements
- Radical media mixers generate direct impact for/with media activists
- PAFFAR direct creation of horizontal research structures in university
Critical Reflections on doing Militant Research with Occupy London
- Sam Halvorsen
Militant Research
- No inevitable disconnect between theory and practice
- All political struggle necessarily involves theory
- Dilemmas over researcher and activist ‘hats’ may be overblown
- More helpful to explore the ways in which militant research is incorporated
intensification and deepening of the political (Shukaitis and Graeber, 2007, p. 9)
- History of “workers inquiry” — Marx 1880 (La Revue Socialiste)
- Co-research: 1960s Autonomistas, Situationists
- Post 1970s: Class composition, Precarity
- Recently: Militant ethnographies; Argentina, Spain
Militant Research and the University
- Neoliberalism
Within the University
- ESRC Funding
- Resources
- Space
- Problem with the Ethics Committee at UCL
Beyond the University
- Occupy Research Collective (ORC)
- Jargon free reflections
- Resources: familiar story of burn-out
- Increase administrative tasks to maintain the institutional form
- Increasing specialization and lack of participation from wider movement
- Fear of providing critique to Occupy, but most important the narrow vision taken by militant researchers: not only failure to think beyond Occupy but to think beyond particular repertoires of Activism
Militant Research against-and-beyond itself
- No pure or autonomous sites for doing militant research
- University remains a main site, but it’s important to keep working as collectives
- The limits to militancy
- short-sightedness? Who is to say how the world should be changed?
- Does the university, then, provide a useful ‘thirdspace’ (Routledge, 1996) from which to have one step in one step own militant situations? Or is it too constrained?
- The need for theory
- e.g. precarious workers, immaterial labor
Capitalism, Technology, and Contemporary Social Movements: A Methodology of Research and Change
- Todd Wolfson
- Urban ethnography
- a independent media in Philadelphia
- Enamored with the strategies
- Use of media to bind sites
- Decentralized structure
- Deeply embedded in social movements
- Weaknesses
- New Project: in the spirit of Poor People’s Organizing: Groundwork
- Started from Martin Luther King
- Research became the function of the movements
- Digital Rebellion
- radical politics
- rise of communication technology
- history of the left movement
- epoch
- “cyber left”
- Link of the Global Justice Movement with contemporary movements
- fight hierarchy, non-centralized
- how to change the world without taking power
- Why Indie Media Died
- Lack of full analysis of Capitalism, Patriarchy, Class. Power goes to people with the most culture capital.
- Techno-utopian
- Suspicion of organization building (lack of long-term plans).
- Build readership outside of the class.
- Use media to build across communities
- Build an organization (dialectic)
- Ground the movement locally
- problem: parochial
- Leadership development
- Use technology appropriately
- e.g. cab drivers
- Push back the norms of academy
- Push back the proprietary nature of knowledge
- You have to be in the community
- ethnography, embodiment
- Ethnography is a good tool because it forces you to build relationships
- The common academic position is to be objective, but you do better research with deep involvement
- As faculty, build processes to push a better way forward
- Binaries?
- Virtualism?
- Hacker culture
- exploration and messing with systems
- deconstructing stuff
- blends together rebellion and creativity
- queer theory, decentralizing things
- individualistic -> traditional social movements
- Public Intellectuals
- How can we build ourselves as intellectuals? Not focusing on people with the most culture capital
- How we can all level up to build projects for the betterment of the humanity
- Recognize how hierarchies are constructed
- Ethics
- Feminists: ethics protocol
- Challenge from Big Data
- Research Grants
- Within the institutions, there are allies
- Relect on the changes of the political economy
- Theory & Practice
- Theory comes from the language activists use - ontology?
- Discourse disseminated in the activist groups
- Power