From Sociology of Science to Symmetric Anthropology
- Critique of Shapin & Schaffer Leviathan and the Air-Pump
- Hobbes (science should replace nature, external laws, rationality, society is transcendental) vs. Boyle (experiment can happen outside of society, configuration)
- Constructivism/Empiricism State
First Dualism: The “Great Divide”
- Bruno Latour (1993) We have never been modern
- Suggestion of a model:
- Society (political discourse)
- Nature
- This division creates “Quasi-Objects”
- E.g. Polution clouds, Dolly (artifact or living being?, science is outside of nature, robotics, cells, rugby ball -> social relations)
- Political constitution
- Descola: division between nature and society
- 18th century rationality
Latour’s Quasi-Objects from Michel Serres
- Serres: The Parasite
- Quasi object:
This quasi-object is not an object, but it is one nevertheless, since it is not a subject, since it is in the world; it is also a quasi-subject, since it marks or designates a subject who, without it, would not be a subject. (1982a: 225)
- Marker of the subject
- 1986 Rome, The Book of Foundations
- Serres, M. (with Bruno Latour) (1995) Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
- Latour’s cartoon: Both Hobbes and Boyle are wrong
- Two types of nature and Society (hard/soft)
- Dialectics (Miller): Reproduces the division
Latour’s Model of Anthropology
- His fieldwork is mostly in contemporary settings.
Latour’s Principle of Symmetry
- We don’t start from presupposed models; we look at artifacts. We can see how nature, hard and soft, and society, hard and soft, come into play.
Second Dualism: Techniques and Society
- Society
- Techniques
- “Quasi-object”: hybrids
From Symmetric Anthropology to ANT
- Michel Callon (Fr) + John Law (UK)
- End of 1990s
- Actor-Network Theory
- Tracing associations in Networks mixing actors
- The “invention” of the Kodak Camera (1850-1899): controversy
Some Key Concepts of ANT
- Humans (H) and Non-Humans (NH)
- Existants in Descola 2005 (e.g. stem cells, embryos)
- Jagwars (Amazonian ontology)
- Actors/“Actants” - subject of a predicate
- agency
- Networks - a chain of associations between H and NH
- the question of the scale
- Programme of action/Antiprogramme
- the key
- Association & Substitution
- Translation
- to deal with resistance
- Punctualization
- Delegation
- Network is established out of processes; it’s not preestablished
- collectives, e.g. kinship
- rituals for loose networks to happen, e.g. weddings, funerals
- collectives, e.g. kinship
Stablizations (or not)
- VAL vs. “Aramis”
- roundabout
- oyster card system
- speed bumps
- moral statement/apparatus
A New Project: AIME (An Inquiry into Modes of Existence)
- Aims:
- Not only to define “associations” and to follow networks in order to redefine the notion of “society” and “social”
- The concept of Gaia (ultimate mixture of things)
- Catholic: a movement against the Enlightenment
- Latour’s Spirituality
- Flattens politics/suspension of politics
- Proposes the methodological suppositions of categories
- Lacks a secular positions
- agency is relational (the arrangement of H and NH)
- mixing of H and NH
- Users can change any stage of the design
- NH: they are not instruments; they form social relations -> agency
- designers put scripts in devices
- the driver is both autonomous and dependent
- self-driving car: H’s agency is different
- agency (a H’s capacity for action can be changed)
- designers put scripts in devices
- program vs. anti-program (not following the designed usage)
- design determines what can be delegated to users and machines
- Design is a never-ending process.
- humans and objects
- society as a network of heterogeneous materials, not necessarily social
- knowledge: product or effect of a network of heterogeneous materials (agents, social institutions, machines, organizations…)
- social: patterned network of heterogeneous materials
- social order
- Society and organization would not exist if they were simply social
- Network is a verb
- Question about social: HOW (not why)
Agency as Network
- Radical analysis: not celebrating the idea of humans on one side and objects on the other side
- Punctualization: … as a whole shape
- precarious simplicatory of a complex network (e.g. a TV, a person)
- most of the time we are not even in a position to detect network complexities
- Translation: transformation and the possibility of one thing may mean another
- Durability
- Spatial mobility
- Calculability
- Representation
- “Society” recursively reproduces itself. It does so because it is materially heterogeneous
- power
- organizations
- hierarchies
Latour We Have Never Been Modern (1991)
- 1989: Bicentenary and fall of the Berlin Wall. Reflection about the future. What did we do wrong?
- Modernity: fallacy. Understanding a separation between society and nature.
- Background: Neoliberalism vs. Postmodernism, Relativism
- Kristeva
- Foucault
- Alternative to Marxist determinism
- Latour: proposes a different frame - questioning modernity (separation between nature and science)
- not the same as Levi-Strauss -> categories
- Latour: political relations vis-à-vis science
- Hobbes vs. Boyle
- Superior, Dominant vs. Inferior, Dominated
- Quasi-objects, Hybrids
- Social Act: Network composed by H and NH, Program/Antiprogram
- Actor could be H or NH
- Innovation process: Network H (experts + non-experts) + NH
- Danger (Nature/External)
- Risk (Rational, Control)
- Overflows (Uncertainty), Socio-technical controversies
- Earthquake + Tsunami + Nuclear Plant = Out of Control
- Homosexuality: originally a mental disease -> cultural revolution -> WHO stopped regarding it as a disease
Non-linear System
- Sensitivity to Initial Conditions
- Irreversibility of Time
- Unpredictability (relation to Leroi-Gourhan)
- Density
- Specificity
- Intensity -> Sociotechnical system -> H-NH -> “Society”
(appearance of a linear system)
- Latour hates dialectics
- A network is imminent.
- Innovation mobilizes social groups.
- Whatever we have today is arbitrary.
- Sociotechnical configurations are materialized through material culture. They conceal the networks they emerge, the arbitrariness.
- The more complex sociotechnical systems become, the more unpredictable technology becomes.
- Liability, ownership
- As soon as the network is not smooth, it may be reformed.
- The network is imminent.
- When the technology is either stablized or obsolete, the social groups disappear.
- Empirical approach
- not dealing with abstract ideas
- The group of experts wonder why something didn’t work -> categories appear
- In order to identify a problem, we need to punctualize.
- e.g. Arctic melting
- Not specifying the types of agency
- NH agency is not clear
- things can’t be given the same weight
- Neutrality vis-à-vis the Network -> Flat
No social structures
- Human factors
- Rationalized (no emotional elements)
All these can be solved by being empirical
- Methodological
- Suspension of presupposed categories
- Humans have the reflexive ability to think of themselves as humans (on the conditions of humanity -> a configuration that changes)
Hs and NHs
- Every society has a concept of humanity.
- Perspectivism
- Jaguwar
- process of equivalence
- particularities of the human body (configurations)
- Jaguwar