What is Theory?
- Miller: started his career as a theorist
- UCL Anthro was a Marxist department (Althusserian-Marx, late Marx)
- Structuralism, Poststructuralism
- Modes of production, Capitalism, Alienation…
- Miller likes early Marx, Hegel
- “All problems in the world arise out of capitalism.“ Hegel: whatever that is created in the world goes its own way - dialectical
- Material culture
- Emphasis on production is insufficient; consumption is also effective
- Internet: an Ethnographic Approach
- how Trinidadians appropriate Internet -> the product: both Trinidadians and the Internet (what emerges in this context)
- The Young and the Restless
- Theory?
- Hegel: all the things (e.g. institutions) we create tend to become the concept of reason, but they tend to develop their own interests
- Bourdieu’s Distinction: art and class -> art comes from certain aethestics (needs to be taught in school) -> reproduction of our class system (in the education camp who understand art; artistic capital); art is another sense of education, becoming increasingly complex. Art extends the world of class through education by distinguishing who understands and who doesn’t. -> theory: education’s version of modern art -> career structures -> propensity of class differentiation
- Academia: fads? fashion?
- How do you distinguish useful and useless stuff?
- Make things clearer (things can be understood more clearly)
- Accountable, be able to be explained in ordinary language
- Hegel: all the things (e.g. institutions) we create tend to become the concept of reason, but they tend to develop their own interests
- What are the means and ends? Can we turn the ends to the means?
- If you want to understand new media, find a circumstance that can tease it out.
- Filipino mothers - the degree they can be mother depends on the media they can use
- Texting
- Theorize the media + relationships
- Kinship: any given kinship word we use:
- normative word: proper roles they play - Theory of Shopping (1995)
- discrepancy: how we think of the idealized role and what the role really is
- Media studies: technology in itself vs. Anthropology: relationships
- technologists: affordances (the propensities the technology would be good for something)
- Backwards: affordances -> what people are actually doing
- Power relationships
- Mothers: reconstruction of mothering/parenting
- Children: surveillance
- relationships
- See how they come together: Polymedia: resocialization
- technologists: affordances (the propensities the technology would be good for something)
- (Hopefully) Clarifies what’s going on in those relationships
- Is it necessary? Helpful?
- Every media is treated the same way
- Loss of humanity
- Post-human, cyborgs
- Anthropology: nothing is unmediated
- Change our idea of humanity is
- Most people use it conservatively
- Webcam: an aspect of being human
- Oliver Sachs
- a surgeon
- humanistic characteristics
- Clive Thompson
- memories
- Theory: the ways we understand technology. It’s a means, not an end.
- not for testing; rather a re-conceptualization in order to gain insight
- balance generality (generalization of theories) and parochialism (the parochialism of ethnography)
Webcam (2014)
- Latency: tautology
- frustration over something that doesn’t work well
- Adam Drazin: shoebox
- It’s overcome
- We envisage possibilities (afterwards)
- E.g. e-mail (temporality) for theological discussions
- frustration over something that doesn’t work well
Ethnography vs. Theory
- Anthropology: parochial approach -> understanding of the humanity
- How it works in research
- science: hypothesis -> testing it out in the field
- most anthropologists don’t do that (Miller)
- because you’ll find what you were looking for
- no idea of if what one’s studying is relevant
- Ethnography
- studying everything possible
- insights
- explanation
- theory (conclusion) -> not always
- Repetitive vs. Variant
- Criteria: original insight
- To be human is to be mediated. -> Culture: Human beings are intrinsically mediated.
- You can’t say a new media makes people more mediated.
- New media changes mediation. (added something and subtracted something)
- Miller: Opposing different degrees of authenticity of Polynesia communities and people shopping on Oxford Street