From SSK to SCOTs and STS: The macro analysis of Sociotechnical Systems
The Connectedness of Techniques & “Technical Systems”
Technical Systems?
- Influence of the General System Theory
- Technical Systems: Gille
- Systems:
- All techniques are related
- Techniques are never isolated from other phenomena
- Changes in one element might affect other elements
- Lemonnier “Techniques from system” because of the relations between
- … Different “components” of techniques
- … Different technical activities
- “Vertical” (chronological)
- “Horizontal” (complimentary)
- Technical domains and other domains
Systemic Dimensions
- “Systems”: whole(s), part(s) and relations
- Interrelated elements
- Extension to the concept of “Society”
- From Durkheim to Evans-Pritchard’s
- Structuro-functionalism
- Critique
- Mechanistic view
- Abstract models ~LC: etic model, linear~
The Return of the System: Chaos, non-linearity
- Chaos, Network and New Holisms, e.g. Mosko
- Alternative to Newton’s Mechanistic Universe ~irreversability~
Innovation in Question
- Look into how processes came into being and the resistance to the changes
- After WWI and WWII, a critique of rationality, technocracy, the separation of technical processes and the turmoil life
- social determinism
- critique of linear (technical) determinism
- between hope and fear
Precursors: SHoT and SSK
- Pre 1970:
- Histoy of technology (US & UK)
- Society of History of Technology (US)
- Lewis Mumford (US)
- Thomas Hughes (US)
- Histoy of technology (US & UK)
- 1970: SSK: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
- David Bloor (Edinburgh), Harry Collins (Bath)
- Controversy: study of the content of scientific statement (as with an artifact)
- causality
- impartiality (success stories and failure)
- symmetry
- reflexivity: applicable to sociology itself (ontology)
Studies of (Modern) Technology: Sources
- 1970s: Sociology of Technology
- Influence of Thomas Kuhn (1962)
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- Paradigm
- Constructivism/Constructionism
- Sociology of Knowledge: Luckhman & Berger 1966
- Critique: Hacking
Hughes’ Technological Systems
- Seamless web (1998)
- Technical Systems are both:
- socially constructed
- Society shaping (1989: 51)
- Critique of the internalist approach
- Contexual considerations
- technical system emerge out of social systems
- Systemic nature (ef. Gille & Lemonnier)
- Relate to other systems (some dependants on them)
- Systems:
- As problem-solving arrangements
- are bounded by the limits of control exercised by artifacts and humans
- are organized in Russian Dolls. ~ America, despite the claims...~ (quoted by Pfaffenberger)
- 1990:
- Heterogeneity of technical objects
- Seamless Web (Hughes)
- Social Construction of Technology
- US: (Gender and cultural studies) + STS: Science and Technology Studies
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Innovations, policies, power
- MacKenzie & Wecjman 1985
- LC: loose definition of technology (mode of organization? artifact?), but it paves ways for the academia to think about technology now
- Against linear determinism
Bicycles and Interest Groups
- Classical View on Innovation
- Mixing of humans and non-humans; change in one element creates a new problem; a problem-solving model
- material, socio-economical negotiations; prototype artifacts
SCOT’s Main tools
- Social Groups
- Technological Frame
- Interpretative flexibility
- Degrees of Inclusion
- Attribution of Meanings
- Co-construction
Bakelite and Interpretative Frame
- emic
SCOT: Bijker and the “Invention” of Bakelite
- Plastic Materials: resin, ivory, tortoise shell, amber
- 2 uses
- a) Varnish
- b) Moulding (Production of small objects)
- 2 uses
- 19th:
- Shellac: A & B
- Rubber: B
- Describe a series of processes of “inventions”, controversy at the end of the 19th century
- Concept of “technological frame”
- Concepts and techniques employed by a community in its problem solving
- Includes interactions between various actors
- 1907: Baekeland’s patent on Bakelite (stablizes the technical formula -> stops the social relations/negotiations -> conceals the processes it stems from)
Technological (Political) Dramas
Politics of Artifacts
- Langdon Winner (1977)
- False neutrality of technical systems
- Autonomous Technology & Technological Somnambulism (appears to be historical, contingent)
- Difficult to see the politcal dimensions
- “Technological politcs” ‘Technology as (political) domination:
- ‘Technological’ imperatives
- Case study: How Internet providers established themselves as gatekeepers (effect on humans)
- “Reverse adaptation” (how we adapt to technology)
- e.g. Robert Moses: class and racial prejudices (New York)
- ‘Technological’ imperatives
- False neutrality of technical systems
- Critique on Winner’s determinism
- Woolgar & Cooper: role of interpretation by different social groups
- Pfaffenberger (1992)
- Anthropology
- Relation of “Technical systems” with “non-technical” systems
- Role of aesthetics, economics, social values, rituals
- Proposes “Technological Dramas” as an alternative model
- Cf. Victor Turner’s social drama (1969)
- “Technological Dramas”: 3 processes
- Regularization
- Adjustment
- Reconstitution
- Regularization:
- Strategies for constructing hegemonic ideologies
- Adjustments:
- Direct reactions to regularization (real or imagined)
- e.g. Conspiration theories, claim for democratization, fiddling with artifacts
- Direct reactions to regularization (real or imagined)
- Reconstitution:
- Reshaping/creating artifacts or processes with a conscious revolutionary or resisting
- Materials that resist the determinstic nature of technical systems
- Artifacts as products of the past
Some conclusions
- Techniques: embedded in the social
- SSK, SCOT, STS, Pfaffenberger
- Critique of the fallacy if technical determinism
- Re-inject of the Social
- Reliance on discourses and power relations
- Importance of relations between Paradigms and Interpretative Frame
- Critique:
- Defition of Social groups
- What is the relations btw Technological Frame and power relations